Friday, September 9, 2016

Where the Moon Don't Shine

I'm quite proud of this album, it's one of my favorite jam sessions of this "Album a Month" series. Where the Moon Don't Shine may be the best thing we've recorded (as a duo) although I can't promise I won't make that same claim again next month. It certainly marks continued growth and maturation of our sound, and I would argue that the steps forward we take in this album are seismic.

This is a truly dynamic collection of controlled chaos. We run the gamut between quite minimal ambiences to lush walls of sound. The track Lughnasadh for example, is a continuation of the soft dreaminess from the previous track. A simple string melody is introduced by Joemazing, and then through a combination of audio loops, arpeggiators, midi, and live playing we create a massive orchestra like swell of rousing, joyous, synthy goodness. On the opposite end of the spectrum Dark Forest Ritual takes a similar approach, but instead builds to a haunting sinister atmosphere punctuated by quaking drums and ghostly recorder fluttering.

The middle section of the album is a madcap suite of gorilla circus insanity. It became so zany and out of hand that we had to pause from a moment and make sure everything was still plugged and working properly; proving once again that the Gorilla can not be tamed.

The last section of this album contains several tracks that are probably unlike anything we've done before. Repetitive loops phase in and out of sync and climax in the massive 19 minute final track of cacophonous intensity.

I'm also quite proud of this album because it's our first to be released in physical form and not self released. Orb Tapes has a limited run of Where the Moon Don't Shine on cassette. Pick up a copy and check out their other awesome releases.